
the future dictionary of america

got a kick out of the review of this book. here's an excerpt (someone should do a dictionary like this for India):

More off-kilter, if no less needed and well-imagined, are entries like Sarah Vowell's "garden for disappointed politicians," which, named after Alexander Hamilton's belief that a garden is a helpful refuge for a disappointed politician, would see the creation of a farmable plot "'outside the Beltway' -- way outside -- in Portland, Oregon."Here, failed politicians could do something "useful and contemplative," including the monthly mailing of a box of seasonal produce to "his or her frazzled former opponent," occasioning a "newfound understanding of the composting process and its metaphorical applications on Capitol Hill." (And perhaps it is these politicans who, during the less fecund growing seasons, could organize and administrate Paul Collins' "Zzzunday," a national holiday featuring 24 hours of uninterrupted sleep.)


the many gods of many things

yes, in the hindu pantheon, we worship many gods, all with different qualities. but what about the living ones? here are the members of my personal 21rst century altar, from which i draw inspiration:

Ravi Shankar, sitar player extraordinaire-George Harrison called him 'the godfather of world music.' and rightly so. "God has been kind to me. The spiritual journey through music is the only thing I feel has been important in my life"

MF Hussain, artist extraordinaire. India's Matisse- "I prefer to express myself through a woman rather than a man, because a woman, I feel, is an unending source of energy, she is shakti." and he's been barefoot for over 40 years!

Mahaswheta Devi-"Language is a weapon, it's not for shaving your armpits." what can one add to that?

in the dearly departed part of my altar:

Kishore Kumar
Frederico Garcia Lorca
Pablo Neruda
Henri Matisse
John Coltrane
Pt. Kumar Gandharva

this is a partial list;)