someone out there is writing better poetry than me and offering it up as junk mail. all you language poets out there move over. your competition has arrived via spam defectors. You can order your prescription half price and read a poem that rivals Hannah Weiner. Hannah who you say?
For your reading pleasure:
diatomic gingham amulet bangladesh reach bowman mercury st stronghold weierstrass throughput melvin evidential filled lumpy penal sancho barricade paregoric synge goren cerium nun anybody'd able juicy contemporaneous password ibex trichrome viola bellatrix collaborate presumption expensive adkins decorum endgame sedentary aeronautic durward wainscot champlain conductor cancelling shuck kalamazoo debauch downtown structure sell weatherstrip tycoon audacity authoritarian ret emmanuel perfume challenge post sown mollusk congener organismic solvate gazelle ascension countryside breed zealand cabaret smash circuitous anyhow workmen aficionado compacter battlefront inveigh acyclic dispersible coercion laconic pigroot benthic ms apartheid homebuilder commendation anastomosis schema trastevere grepmalaviya: castigate epistemology rug milestone thirteen cruise infest mess caret bush follicle rebuttal remission common depressor nitpick workday fireproof decipher supply indiscriminate aster anise indomitable nicotinamide cesium silkworm axes decomposition cryostat bolster psychoanalysis theology addenda ceremonious freshwater travertine shafer asher explode colicky celanese pheasant towhee horology grandfather prussia align tycoon participle antiphonal johnston prelude claire affectionate minstrel symptom depot ronnie potatoes flannel mcelroy teamster algenib amethyst alkali conquer stigmata immobility expanse defensive afoul room intonate dodecahedra singular snagging deprecatory admittance prothonotary hernandez toothpaste borosilicate sigh aforesaid supersede therefor citroen unchristian hindpmalaviya: solvate gazelle ascension countryside breed zealand cabaret smash circuitous anyhow workmen aficionado compacter battlefront inveigh acyclic dispersible coercion laconic pigroot benthic ms apartheid homebuilder commendation anastomosis schema trastevere greed attitudinal didactic junketeer anatole circumflex dairy conquer alfred patrolling help groundsel thrombosis dyspeptic cloak durer dey ergodic bodyguard ambrose ! imperceptible subjunctive reversal offensive hawthorn bundoora ama artichoke upswing diva raoul puddly enigma conferring checkpoint castigate epistemology rug milestone thirteen cruise infest mess caret bush follicle rebuttal remission common depressor nitpick workday fireproof decipher supply indiscriminate aster anise indomitable nicotinamide cesium silkworm axes decomposit